Frequently Asked Questions
Learn more about How this Technology
Socrates once said, "Let food be your medicine, and medicine
be your food..."
What's the Difference
between Colloidal Silver, Ionic Silver, nano silver,
Most individuals believe colloidal silver to be a solution of
water containing silver particles and ions. This is not far from the truth, but requires a little
clarification, as the nuances between terminology can be the difference between understanding and
Silver ions are atoms of silver that have lost one electron,
and are positively charged. Atoms are the smallest units of an element, and in this case it happens to be the
metal silver. Sometimes these charged ions are called particles, which is actually incorrect. Silver ions
will dissolve in a water base, and in quality products, will remain in suspension and be equally dispersed
throughout the solution.
As silver ions enter the distilled water solution, the
electrical conductivity of the water is increased, and this can be measured in ppm (parts per million). It's
often a good practice to measure your solution with an EC meter - this way one will know beyond any measure
of a doubt the exact concentration or ppm that you are consuming.
Silver ions or Ionic
Silver, can be measured in concentration with an EC meter, and is characterized by
containing ions that possess a charge, (usually +1).
Silver Colloids or Colloidal Silver,
is exactly that - a solution of silver particles. These are microscopic particles (colloids), that may be few
in number, or many thousands of atoms. These guys are so small that they remain permanently suspended within
the water, and never settle on the bottom. It's interesting to note that these colloids do not
increase the conductivity of the solution, so the concentration cannot be measured with an EC to
establish concentration.
What is More Effective - Ions or
Ions or particles?
This debate has been going on for quite some time, with both styles of preparations having unique qualities. Ionic
silver works by stripping electrons from pathogens, whereas silver colloids, or particles work via other means.
The New Silver
Solution® is made up of approximately 85% ionic and 15% particles.
This combination, as well as the patented technology that we use makes for a solution that is more effective than
any in the marketplace so far.
What is the Oligodynamic
This is a measurement of the amount of metal ions required to exert a lethal effect on bacteria. It's a Latin term,
with Oligos meaning small, and Dynamis referring to power. The effectiveness of silver as a germicide is due to the
high affinity of cellular proteins for the silver ion. Bacterial cells are destroyed due to the buildup of ions
within or upon contact with the cell. It is thought that these ions affect the bacteria's ability to carry out its
required metabolism.
What does PPM, PWT and TDS
PPS is an acronym
for 'Parts Per Million'. It is one of the most popular ways to describe the concentration of silver in solution. In
essence it reflects the total available weight of silver within solution. For example, 1 ppm is approximately
equivalent to one milligram of silver per litre. If we extrapolate out to 10 ppm, this equals 10 mg per
PWR is an acronym
for 'Pure Water Tester', and provides a measurement in microseimens - the unit for electrical
TDS stands for
'Total Dissolved Solids', and this is also a measure of conductivity. A good quality testing device will use a
combination of these three variables to provide a more reliable reading of true ionic
What PPM of silver do I
When dealing with a high quality, new technology
silver preparations such as The New Silver Solution®, an
average ppm of between 10 - 20 has been shown to be more than sufficient. A higher ppm concentration is
usually a result of mechanical or chemical intervention - quality colloidal silver preparations are ALWAYS
made via electrical means (EIS).
What is the Herxheimer
The Herxheimer
Reaction describes a process in which the individual experiencing detoxification will
generally feel worse before feeling better.
This is a reaction that is a short term phenomena, lasting from a few days to sometimes
weeks. As the body eliminates toxins, it's not uncommon to experience a general feeling malaise and flu like
symptoms. These may include a sore throat, headache, body aches, joint and muscle pain, chills, sweating,
nausea, etc.
The Herxheimer Reaction is quite a normal and healthy
process, and suggests that the body is actively eliminating pathogenic waste from parasites, viral loading,
fungus and the like. The biggest issue is that many stop the ingestion of the supplement or
medication that is driving the detoxification. Whilst the Herxheimer Reaction is not particularly pleasant,
it is still necessary to pass through in order to emerge from the other side.
The sickness and ensuing feeling of nausea is an immune reaction in response to the elevated
toxins that are liberated and released in large quantities that occur whilst detoxing. When the body's
elimination pathways are overloaded, our body will communicate with the brain and say "go easy" - hence forth
the nausea. The important thing to be aware of is that the exacerbation of symptoms is a positive